Bord Gais Energy Ltd Reviews (2/5)

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As I can see not just me giving one star What ever you do- do not set up direct debit or standing order to pay bill!!! They will rip you off big time! Lucky me I didn’t but not that lucky - ended up in dept office! And clearly for there mistakes. Organisation zero Avoid this company if you can!

I were thinking of becoming a Bord Gáis customer, and yesterday 13th April I contacted Bord Gáis and got chatting to a lovely girl called Dion.. she offered me a 12 month contract and her words to me were Green energy 10% discount and an additional 5% discount to go direct debit and paperless and that my unit price for this 12 month contract would be 39cent per unit.. I was very happy with this as the closest to this I could get was with Electric Ireland at 40.89 cent per unit.. I provided all my details except Iban number and meter reading.. as I was an hour away from home Dion assured me she would save my offer for 10 days but I promised her I would call back in an hour with the details needed to sign up fully.. I called Bord Gáis back in exactly an hour to be greeted by another person not Dion as she had finished her shift but this person firstly couldn't find my details that Dion had saved under my name and phone number.. he eventually found my offer and decided to tell me that my offer was no longer available even tho Dion had assured me my offer would be valid for 10 days and this was one hour after my phone call with Dion.. 1hr and 19 minutes this guy held me on the phone going around in circles doing everything and giving every excuse why he wasn't going to honour the offer made to me by he's colleague.. I asked 6 times during this upsetting phone call to speak with his supervisor and was refused everytime.. I had to settle in the finish of this upsetting phone call for a promise from this Bord Gáis sales representative that Dion the original sales representative that she would call me today at 9am this morning 14th April to sort this out and confirm my original offer.. by 13.00 today I received no call from Bord Gáis so I decided to call them myself and was greeted by another woman sales representative check my details and confirmed I was due a call from her work colleague Dion at 9am this morning.. this girl then sent an email to Dion to please make contact with me as had been requested and promised then and the evening of 13th April.. it is now 21.30 14th April and not one call from Bord Gáis.. I have now come to the conclusion that Bord Gáis and their employees are all a bunch of cowboys and all they want to do is get your Iban number so they can rip you of your hard earned money.. I'm really glad that I have learnt of this before giving them my account details.. they have shown their true colour's with their broken promises lies messing with offers and unit prices and lack of accountability.. knowing this I would advise anyone thinking of signing with this company to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.. I contacted a fantastic company called Flo Gas this evening and within 10 minutes with all the relevant information I signed with them for a 12 month contract at 37.99 cent vat included per unit which worked out even cheaper that Bord Gáis original offer to me.. My advice to anyone with Brod Gáis on a contract would be to check what you are paying per unit as you will be paying a lot more that the offer I signed up to this evening with Flo Gas.. some of you will be paying 43.37 ent per unit and some will be paying 48 cent per unit which make a massive difference at the end of 2 months billing period.. my advice would be for 50 euros you can end your contract with Bord Gáis and join Flo Gas electricity for everything in 37.99 cent per unit price and you will quickly make back the 50 euros it cost to end your Contract with Bord Gáis who are 100% ripping of every one of their customers..

Been trying to call non stop customer service and I am kept on hold for half an hour each time with no answer, although they say the waiting time expected is much less than that. Received a bill for 1400 EUR which is an obviously mistake and can't talk with anyone to solve it. They also don't answer emails. Worst customer service I ever experienced

Worse customer service ever. Have to spend 50euros for getting someone on the line and even then then noone can sort out the issue (as someone doesnt know, someone just started and as excuse keeps saying 'Im new' etc) Staff needs a way more training and extra staff needed asap so customers dont need to be spending 1 hour in a queue to talk to customer service.

Absolutely awful service, have asked them 3 times to fix my account and have consistently failed to carry this out. No communication skills on their side at all. Please do yourself a favour and never take this company as a reliable, serious service.

The worst decision in my life, after 4 months without using their service I still have to called and explaining that I’m with another company, I couldn’t see my account never because I created my account by phone and they never send me my password. I don’t recommend it

Absolute robbers ..35 c a unit.. changing provider asap…putting prices higher after adding the government credit. There’s a special place in hell for you people. Extorting people during a crisis won’t help your business model for the future that’s for sure. Or is the price going up because of microgeneration commencing and your offsetting having to pay people for energy. Keep using the war as an excuse because that’s all it is an excuse!

Adhering to policies doesn't mean that customers are not to be listened to and help understand their related to your company problems. Customers' satisfaction should be your company first and foremost policy. Create a customer service that works for your customers.

Bord Gais is cheating. 44.21 cent is the new price for everyone, but they are not saying it. They coming with an average increase of 34% which is not ok. It seems they follow the politics of the big media companies, take it or leave it.

Earlier this week I contacted Ciara in Bord Gais. She was so helpful, efficient, knowledgeable and kind to a technology-challenged octogenarian. Usually I hate contacting these companies, but Ciara was exceptional. I hope bord gais know how lucky they are to have her working for them.

I have in the past made the mistake and signed a contract with them (about 13 years ago). About 10 years ago I moved from Dundalk to Dublin and have changed my energy supplier. Even now after 10 years I still receive call from those fu*kers offering me boiler service or other services. I told them many times that I dont live at this address for over 10 years and that I do not wish to receive any calls. There must be idiots working for this company who do not know how to enter a simple information in the system : do not call!

60 euro per month just jumped to 350 euro per month with no change to usage. Heating is set to come on 1 hour every morning in a 1 bed apartment. No help from customer service....

Awful company, removed bi-monthly discount for Dec/Jan bill without any contact. Bill is astronomical as a result. Delighted to move to another provider. Avoid!!

This has to be the worst company around they sold me a hive package knowing I physically couldn't have hive as they only have technicians in certain counties.. I spent from September to January to sort this and get refund to be told I'll be getting 36% discount because of it to get my bill and it not be added.. aswell as hive we opted for free time Sunday as we have a smart meter.. I was told don't worry you can change this day at any point if you like.. I call today to change it and get my discount fixed to be told its a whole new contract to change the day and be with them for 12 more months and I would lose my discount.. this company has had my heart broken apart from 3 call centre agents the rest of their agents are useless and don't actually know their job or how to read a customers account file.. I've had the worst 5 months with this company and can not wait to leave at the end of this contract... please DO NOT go with bord gais

Terrible company, paid my bill of 140 on line and then they took the 140 anyway out of my account!! Every month I seem to be ringing them regarding an issue.

Would recommend the service of the boiler by Bord Gais.

I highly recommend the Bord Gia Eergy

A horrible company, closed my account and then after 20 days, they take more money from my account for “underpayment”, multiple times! Back and forth. They themselves don’t know why this happens from one person to another, then to the next, and so on. Nobody knows anything, bunch of clueless people working there. Very glad I left.

If I could select zero stars I would, they are far and away the worst company I’ve ever dealt, from incorrect information being relayed to failure to correct issues, I will go somewhere else as soon as contact expires

Called twice. Spoke with rwo different people. Different advice and after 20 minutes with both on the phone, the problem no solved. Only finished my phone credit.