Bord Gais Energy Ltd Reviews (2/5)

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Awful. Do not get a boiler service with this company. I booked a boiler service, technician came and said they needed a part, they don't carry any spare parts with them, what company doesn't carry spare parts when doing service jobs? I had to book another appointment, they tried to charge me for another service. I had to argue not to be charged twice. New appointment booked, great, no. I spoke with the technician, asked him did he have my part, no we don't carry spare parts. It's on the job description, my boiler needs a new part. Appointment cancelled. I call back to rebook the appointment a 3rd time. So, this time I'm furious, I originally called and booked the boiler service in April, we're now in June and I'm still waiting. New appointment booked, again they try to charge me, argue again that I've paid already and finally get a new appointment. Day of the appointment, nobody turns up. I don't even get a call to cancel the appointment. Absolutely the most useless company. Even the technician's I spoke with hate working for Bord Gais. They don't communicate with their staff at all, people in the office are clueless and their technicians are sent out without any information on their job sheets even when they ask, service (back room) have no idea. Don't bother with this company. Go with an independent company, at least they'll turn up.

Unable to book a service using your online service as advised and recieved even less help when your customer care team were contacted. Very bad customer service. Told my contract and warranty would be invalid for my boiler because they couldn't service my boiler as per contract. Was told I didn't give them enough notice for a boiler service seemingly 5 weeks notice isn't enough as seemingly every service technician was unavailable for approx 2 months and I should have known this so it's my fault a service wouldn't be done in time too maintain my 10 year warranty. Seemingly after lodging a compliant this was untrue and the customer service agent was mistaken ( or not properly trained/ or not bothered in my opinion). But eventually miraculously a boiler technician was available with a number of appointments over a number of days were also available. Would not recommend Bord Gais and definitely would tell people too avoid their customer care agents but with only 1 player in the game it's impossible too avoid them

Book a boiler service (which was a very easy process), got a suitable appointment. Got phone call from engineer prior to visit, who was very friendly, efficiently went about his work without any fuss, check all & explained what he had done and finally left everything in a clean tidy state. Top marks !!

Poor offers for loyal customers, they offer less discount than I have currently. How is it possible that new customers can get better discount than someone who is with them years... And they say they can not apply better discount... of course they can but they say it to everyone they can't like bots. I would recommend switch each year.

Boiler service conducted. No sticker put on boiler. The serviceman said he'd return with one or send in post. He did not send one. Boiler stopped working a week later. Customer service has been terrible. On the third arranged call back with no resolution. Also they double charged without notifying is so we're owed a refund which now needs to go to their finance team for approval when it was their mistake to begin with. Avoid for boiler service. Not to mention the serviceman was very unprofessional and saying that he was hungover and made my partner feel uncomfortable

Bills have gone up considerably since starting a Smart plan. Unfortunately my previous supplier moved me from a fixed rate to a Smart plan without making me aware that I could not change back to a fixed rate. After 12 months they would not renew the plan, so I had to change to a smart plan, which for me is much more expensive as I mainly use power during day and peak times. Not happy with previous supplier.

I joined smart plan a few months shop and I can already see big savings. I chose Sundays as free day as usually have family for dinner and get all my baking done and freeze it. Well worth changing over

Good responsive company with excellent customer service. I have my Gas and Electric supply and my Gas boiler service all done by Bord Gas. Their rates are competitive as I do shop around. I am staying with Bord Gas for the moment as there is some value in their offerings.

Absolutely superb company to deal with. Hoping I get a good offer in September so I can stay loyal. Highly recommend. Their online service fantastic and their call centre agents too. Absolutely no complaints.

Hi, I applied for smart plan, using the email links issued from Bord Gais through my account- got no response. I applied for a smart meter with Hive accessibility to online room temperature controls, got not response. I signed up for Boiler service and booked a service for 4th August (no show!!). I went online and was dealing with Chatbot about the service booking and it replied with ‘no booking’. Can I get the above replies please?

I was with them for 4 years and never had any issues. Opening & closing account was easy, every year they offered new discounts, customer support was great. Everything as you would expect.

Good customer support. Great rewards and competitions. The weekend Saturday/ Sunday plan is great. Decent offer on discount from loyalty team for sticking with Bord Gais, but could do better. Never had any issues with Bord Gais. Hope they bring back the Tesco clubcard partner deals.

I got 2 texts saying my gas was over due and ive a diret debit set up and when i ring ive to go throught the same rubbish when you sign up with them as a new customer. Ive had a 3rd text yesterday while i was in hospital getting injections into my neck saying that ill be cut off if i dont pay plus ive already paid with direct debit this company is putting stress on me i dont need . When i get stressed i have seizures . There all nice when they what new customers but treaten customers who pay and cause them ill health . Im only with them a few months fro. Prepay power im starting to regret signing with them now

Made a mistake opening my account with the wrong meter reading. I had to threaten them with energy regulator and chase and chase for months to get it corrected. Then no bill for 4 months. I call they say systems forgot to issue bill but my fault apparently for not calling and giving a meter read. I have decided to close account early and pay 50 euro break fee just to get away from them. Awful customer service and clearly something wrong with their billing system

The literal most inefficient and incompetent company in the country. How they’re allowed to operate is beyond me. I have an email chain of over 50 emails and have been given the runaround since late February regarding my account set up and my bill. No one will answer any questions and will not provide me with a case number for an official complaint so that I can escalate to Citizens Information. Avoid at all cost and use a reputable provider instead.

Good prices but customer care could be improved. I took us to 3 weeks to get an invoice error fixed and talk to 4 different people because they provided "copy & paste" answers instead of responding to the actual problem.

Bord Gais Electricity EV rate saves me a fortune. The app is great for keeping track of things too. Advice to everyone is get rid of your electric shower, especially if you have kids and teenagers who have no concept of time and costs!!

Always easy to deal with Bord Gais. Technicians are knowledgeable, prompt, professional, and explain everything very well.

Gret provider for gas and electricity! Very friendly online support. Nice and clear webpage. Electrical meter read automatically. Gas meter read reminder email to ensure you are billed by actual consumption and not prediciton. Competetive rates for loyal customers. Would recommend!

The service by Bord Gais Engineers have over many years has always been efficient and comprehensive. I would have no hesitation in recommending them I would give then a 5 star rating