Eire Electric Reviews (1/5)

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If you go high enough, you find that one individual who makes all the decisions, who is this individual responsible for completely ripping off the Irish public. Massive price hikes while making massive profits..... Shame on you all.

Unable to contact....101minutes of a wait time by phone? 14 days for an email response. 1 star customer service

Reliable and easy to deal with, plus you get your discount forever so no need to panic after 12 months unlike with other companies who take your discount away and hope that you don't notice that.

Had to make a few phone calls to resolve an issue, but it got resolved and I was treated fairly. The staff is very helpful and lovely to deal with. Their pay as you go is an excellent service.

Charging extortion rates for electricity bills mine is up 43%.yet profits are record figures..Iv been also charged twice and can’t get through to anyone unbelievable shambles not the only company blaming the war

This is officially the worst customer service I have ever had: careless, negligent, off-point and extremely disappointing. What a shame, they could never fix my issues no matter how simple they are or how hard I try. Really bad, avoid like the plague.

customer service has deteriorated significantly, they mixed up a switch from another provider with wrong names and wrong reading only for the sharp eye of the old company who called me after noticing i was facing a large direct debit, their solution a month after the switch was to cancel the switch and ask me to reregister with the old provider, in the 21st century they wouldn't even accept a photo of a meter reading without a current newspaper in the photo ?

Avoid this company at all costs they increase the price without letting their customers know then advise you they told people through social media. I will be pursuing this further robbers.

PAINFUL experience in setting up dual fuel with their teams. Landed me with a bill of €240 despite the house being vacant for the period they were charging for. People actually pretty nice to speak with and certainly not their fault, but mother of god they don't empower their staff to make any sort of decisions. Will be moving to another supplier asap!

Was changing to electric Ireland today but decided to read reviews first,crazy how many bad reviews electric Ireland have,before I even read 1 review I knew that I was not signing up with them....Sort your Customers out and stop messing them around also disregard my 1 star review it's only fair I drop my comment here considering 90% of your feedback is 1 star and also these reviews do work as I was a potential customer but now gonna look else where 👍

Hung on for ages. Got no one to take my call. Asked to be called back but so far no one has called me. Obviously don’t need the business.

A bit of a left field review, as I have just changed my gas supplier to Electric Ireland for the €175 cashback. Hope the service and rates lives up to the good start :)

Retrned to electric ireland having switched away few years ago and my advice is that saving a few quid in not worthwhile if you lose great customer service - whenever I contacted electric ireland service was faultless unlike with my previous provider. thanks and keep up the good work

Worst customer service ever, folks working there have no idea what they are doing or whatsoever… Was transferred 3 times while inquiring for basic stuff

Worse customer service in the world. After being two hours on hold Daniel a supervisor in the company treated me very poorly and was not helpful at all.

5 calls each around 40min, 2x unanswered, 2x incompetent employees giving out wrong information, 1x missing government electricity payment still pending! Rubbish!

Lousy service, don't care at all about their customers. The woman I spoke to on the phone was more focused on me getting frustrated because she wasn't helping me at all, when my bill all of a sudden had doubled, than she was on helping me. The call went absolutely nowhere

2 hours on the phone than there hung up what a desperate service we are calling with 2 phones at the minute too double our chances too ever talk to a customer service agent What are U charging so much for if U can't hire enough staff

Hi my uncle is on Pay as you go he keeps receiving letters saying he's going to be disconnected he is on disability allowance and he gets his free electricity with his household package he can't get through to anyone

Woeful to deal with. Wouldn't trust them to wire a plug. In response to the reply, no thanks, I'll just spend my money elsewhere, I've no time for companies that breach contracts. The days of the ESB monopoly are dead and gone