Eire Electric Reviews (1/5)

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If I could give no stars I would - awful customer service, we overpaid due to a fault on their side, and the money was taken out irrespective of being told several times there was a freeze on my account. Awful service, strongly strongly do not recommend electric Ireland, I will be moving as soon as I can.

Two problems I had with this company number one the customer service is extremely poor and the second I bought an electric vehicle charger from them paid €1200 and got the best equipment that works with a phone app. the app is unable to tell me actually how much it’s costing me to charge my electric car. Was passed on to 4 different people in customer services to ask this question why this feature isn’t working even though it has an option there in euros but it still doesn’t work because nobody actually knows how much it cost to charge an EV in electric Ireland. after speaking to the fourth person I was passed to another person who then hung up the phone on me do not buy an electric charger from this company especially the one that cost €1200 because you’re paying for absolutely nothing Spoke to another guy yesterday called Ivan or Ivor on customer care team about getting a discount from my bill and he was less than helpful he actually sounded like he hated his job or didn’t wanna be there I’m leaving Electric Ireland and won’t be returning as a customer EVER

Have always found them so helpful and never forceful if your bill is overdue rang them today over one small issue and again so good to deal with. In a day and age where companies really try and get every penny out of you their soft approach is always great.

I recently cancelled my account and moved to a better value provider. I received an additional bill for cancelling my gas service which they had not warned me about. Despite paying this bill they are still sending me weekly messages asking for the fee and then even hung up on me when I rang to discuss. Shocking experience.

My house mate and I, who also left a review, received an extremely high bill in January. Thinking it was us, we paid the bill. The next bill arrived in April and it was around the same price. Rang Electric Ireland and it turns out that when they put in the new smart meter in October/November of 2023 they messed something up and our bills were too high. They changed our April bill, but we realised that our January bill must also have been too high. I have been contacting Electric Ireland since the start of June about this bill, and nothing as been resolved. Rang today and the lovey woman on the phone said that she can see no movement on the query, and even she was extremely surprised by that.To make matters worse, the money for the bill they sent for May to July was taken out of my account despite the lock that was supposed to be on my account. I now have to wait another 30 days for my bank to investigate the transaction dispute before I MIGHT get my money back. I've sent all the information you asked my house mate to the Facebook, Instagram and X Electric Ireland accounts and have received no reply from them. Do NOT go with Electric Ireland, they are nothing but a headache.

Never contract their services. I had the worst experience ever with this company. I had one issue with my meter number that was not matching the one on the Electric Ireland account. And when I moved out, thinking that they will fix my situation, the only thing that they did is send me one final bill with 2 different meter numbers, and send me one demand letter to pay that final bill. I sent them thousands of emails with proofs that the last bill was completely wrong, but they just ignore me and they never answer the questions that I asked them. Is always the same story, "Pay the bill", they don't want to hear my explanations they only want my money. Worst costumer service I ever faced. Don't contract their services, they are the worst, just see their reviews.

Stay well clear... all of a sudden my bill almost increased by 70%... my bill.in hieight of winter 140euro. July 220euro.. telling me an appliance is causing it. Got nowhere, 💯 useless, over charging me with a few months. Switched to.another provider suddenly my bills ate 80-90 euro for aug, Sept. I'm not giving up on getting money back

Worst customer service imaginable, want you to jump through hoops just to be able to pay them. Went to a competitor, cheaper and they accepted my payment method over the phone. Would not recommend.

Extremely rude person from electric Ireland, was on a smart meter pay as you go and when switched they sent out a bill for 800 saying had used more . The man wouldnt explain its properly only that you used more . I would stay well away from electric Ireland. Rudeness representative I have ever spoken too .

Absolutely shocking customer service. I bought a new property and electric ireland was the previous supplier. I never met so many incompetent people working with the same company. I dealt with 6 or 7 different people trying to disconnect their supply into the house so my new provider could get their supply in. I have given hours on hold over the last 3 weeks trying to sort this and they just kept trying to ship the blame onto my new provider.

The company over charged me for a large amount on a property i just purchased. I provided legal documentation to when i purchased the property however they still charged me for arrears on the property. I followed up with them and i was told a refund would be processed, however now they are gone radio silent with no updates or refund. Extremely poor service from a company of such scale and disgrace that a utility company offering an essential service can create such complicated layers for customers to try navigate

Robbers, really horrible company, charging my nanny living alone 1400 a month for electricity and then threatening legal action if she doesn't pay, the worst of the worst avoid company's like this at all costs. Nothing but a bunch of cowboys

Absolute nightmare. Problems started when I moved to another provider in October, 5 months ago. Electric Ireland tried to re-bill me for bills I had already paid by direct debit. Over 750 euro worth! I'd ring, be told they could see the error and were working on it. The debt on the account would be eventually cleared, then the incorrect bill would be re-issued and I would have to ring again and explain what was going on. This happened a few times. The Icing on the cake was when they wrote to my landlord saying I had not been paying my bills. I contacted EI again. They sorted it out again only for them to quickly re-issue another bill looking for the same money I did not owe them. So I emailed the complaints department before Christmas. I got a rather curt letter saying the matter had been resolved, no apology or explanation. I hoped that would be the end of it but kept an eye on my emails for any word of them re-issuing the incorrect bill. I thought I was finally rid of them until today (March 4th) and I got a phone call from a debt collection agency which I thought initially was a scammer. I rang Electric Ireland to see if the caller had been ringing on their behalf. Yes he was. I am furious. So I've now contacted the CRU to open a complaint with them. Absolutely no point in dealing with EI, never again.

Have been a loyal customer to Electric Ireland for more than 2 years and when we moved to a new house and had to close the pay as you go gas meter we received a bill which was sent by mistake. They would say this is a standing charge but with pay as you go you top up and the standing charge is taken automatically from the credit on the meter. This issue has been going from september 2023 and to this I keep calling them to ask for the refund. Also I received a letter to call them immediately and when I did they said the issue is still ongoing. 6 months to resolve a query!!!! I will not renew the contract and also not recommend to anyone to do business with them..

Thieves, I got my bill in late February with an amount of 478.00€, with a note to say 150€ was credited to the account from the government grants. The final bill stated the amount was 328.00€ after the government grant, which was applied before I received the bill. Today they took 478.00 from my account meaning they also have the 150€ from the government. Edit : further to speaking to this company today, they denied that the credit (150€) had been applied to my account before the bill was issued. They could not answer why, after I received my bill, that my customer portal showed a balance of 328€ and refused to offer me a refund of 150€. Below is a screenshot of my account as it stands. They seem to think that it's acceptable to receive 150€ towards the bill on the same day they issue the bill, and still take the full amount. A quick Google will reveal the profits Electric Ireland have made in the last period of time

Didn't even receive my first bill and I already want to change. Just to set up the online account seems like rocket science to them. I have an absolute pain In my face calling emailing and chatting online and they still can't solve a simple problem

What a disgrace! Id use more colourful language but I'd like this to be seen as an honest review more than a rant. I moved 2.5 years ago and used electric Ireland from the get go, what I hadn't realised is they had linked my account with someone else's, I found this out when I upgraded to a smart plan more recently. After i upgraded and it said your plan starts straight away I thought great I can now get majority of washing and if needed drying on a Saturday when I selected it to be free electric,so this is what I done, I did this for about 1 and a half months and not a care in the world, until I noticed my bill said estimated and it shouldn't be if it's on a smart meter. I rang them and they said I don't have a smart meter...... I'm sorry so who did I upgrade and where did my bank details I had to re enter go?? It turns out id upgraded some other random persons account and my details were linked to their account aswel! Anyway obviously I reported this to the correct people and had to reopen my account, since then all hell has broke loose I'm getting random bills for stupid amounts they say I owe which I don't see how as I've never missed a payment in the entire time and no one can tell me why. If your thinking about using electric Ireland I strongly suggest you don't. It would be better sitting butt naked in the north pole with just a candle for warmth than using these clowns

Have been with the company for over 2 years now and have no complains really. Prices are more less the same as they would be anywhere,after first year rewards department will reach out to offer better discounts (which is lovely). Customer service is customer service, you get good ones and bad ones, thats common sense. As long as you understand your bill and actually review it regulary to make sure all looks accurate, you are ok, in the end of the day thats a utility provider and not an accountancy so need to be responsible for your own affairs 😅

I have asked for meter readings that they are using to calculate my bills. They told me they don’t have this information!!!!! And to go to ESB Networks to provide same, as Electric Ireland don’t have that data…. How are you calculating my bills, then???? I contacted ESB Networks who were confused why Electric Ireland would say this, as it’s not true. ESB Networks sent me back to Electric Ireland and l still have not gotten my meter readings. Before “smart meter” l got my meter readings on each bill, could check same against what is showing on my meter and know l was being billed correctly. Like the previous customer review stating overcharging, l believe I’m being overcharged. In response to reply from Electric Ireland. I have contacted Electric Ireland by phone, email, social media, letter - Electric Ireland have given no help on this matter. I want a meter reading on my bills, so I can compare previous reading with current reading. Your reply was not helpful at all. I don’t want 30 minute meter readings, they are not fit for purpose.. l haven’t asked for them, don’t require them nor have I any purpose for them. I simply wish to have a reading on my bill so I can calculate, for myself that what I’m being charged for is what I’m using. Electric Ireland are unwilling to provide this. ESB Networks say that you have this information.

A completetly nightmare, 5 moths ago I moved in to a new house an open an account on Electric Ireland. Since then, I`ve been trying to fix an IT problem in my account and apparently this problem is impossible to be fixed. The customer service can`t do much through the phone and I`ve been receiving random bills and even online bills that i can`t open BECAUSE MY ACCOUNT DOESN`T WORK. It`s being a completely nightmare since I`ve been getting estimated bills at random periods.