PV Generation Ltd Reviews (4/5)

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Overall this is a great company to engage and do business with and I highly recommend PV Generation to anyone , good value efficient staff , I had leaks from my repositioned roof vents , they quickly came out to rectify the problem , however there is still a small leak , but overall the PV system is brilliant .

The solar panels are working very well I am glad I got them installed

Very Satisfied with all stages and all staff If you live near me and want a view contact me

very happy with the whole process from start to finish with pv gen, joe the salesman does not try and sell you stuff you dont need he worked out how many panels needed based on previous electric bills then gave us our options with no hard sell, the installation team arrived 9.00 am wednesday morning nice friendly and profesional bunch of lads and got straight to work shortly after the sparkys arrived to wire the whole thing up and set up the app on our phones and talk us through it, 10 panels and inverter all up and running in just a few hours, natasha in the office was allways very helpfull and friendly and ready to deal with any queries we had, all in all excellent team and high standard of work carried out very quickly,would highly recommend PV Gen.

Great company to deal with. Installation went smoothly

Installation team. 5 stars very nice guys very clean and professional 👌

I signed a contract with PVgen on the 28th of March 2022, which included them applying for the grant from the SEAI on my behalf. I paid my €2000 deposit on the 30th of March. I received an email for grant approval on the 8th of April. During my discussion with PVgen on the 28th of March, I was told that it would take approx 12 weeks before the work was carried out, which turned out to be complete lies. PVgen were very very quick to take my deposit, send me invoices, and also send me an invoice to tell me I owed them extra money, which turned out to be the grant money. Unfortunately for me, many months passed by with no contact from PVgen about actually installing the products I ordered, I had to contact them, apparently I " slipped under the radar ". Many more months passed by when eventually I was told my panels would be installed, which they looked for the remaning balance immediately. However, they told me they had to give me different panels as they could not get their hands on the panels I signed the contract for. I paid money into their account for the panels. I was then told that the job could only be half finished as they had no Eddis in stock because they couldn't get them. Eventually, in November, the Eddi was installed, yes, November. While all these months were ticking by, I was receiving many emails from SEAI about the grant running out of time and the application was still missing information. Eventually time was up on the grant and had to be reapplied for. I do not know what information the grant application was missing, but I am guessing it was a BER. I received another email on the 14th December to say the grant was finally approved as they received the missing information. Part of the contract was a new BER inspection and rating for my home, which to this day, Friday 10th of Feb 2023 I still have not received. A guy rang me in December to say he was coming out to do the BER, but never did. So from the 28th of March 2022 to today, 10th February 2023, I am still waiting on PVgen to fulfil the end of the contract I signed. It's just a BER, but it's in the contract,and obviously I would like to know what my new rating is. There is no point in contacting PVgen about this as I know they would tell me they are waiting on an outside company, and it's not their fault. This was a theme with PVgen, they had no panels in stock and said it was another companys fault, they had no Eddis in stock, this was also another companys fault. They never accepted responsability for anything, which in my opinion is very poor. The ladies I spoke to on the phone were very good at their job. The salesman who called to my door on the 28th of March was very good at his job. The workmen who done the actual instillation were very good at their job. I personally would not recommend using PVgen, unless you are happy to wait a year, or more.

Brilliant service from start to finish

I’m just off the phone with Jair. He could not have been more helpful. He brought me step by step through the set up. Thank you Jair⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Very professional to deal with, great communication. Product installed efficiently and everything running great.

I am happy with the work they did and panels they installed.

If asked would I recommend PVG - the answer would be no. Below is a summary of the positives and negatives to help you understand why. The Positives - The installation was very quick Placing the panels on the roof took just 2 hours with minimal disruption. I was very impressed. The electrical took longer, but that's not to say it was slow. They had everything installed by 3:30pm of the same day which was far ahead of my expectations. They didn't even need to cut power to do it. - The Installion was clean I expected dints, dings, scratches. I've seen no real evidence of any of that. The team were in and out with, thankfully, no real evidence they were there left behind. The setup in the attic is very professional. I cannot fault any of it. - The panels are making an impact already My bills have been cut in half already. The battery is a big help. My only regret is not going for a 10kw battery as it would likely cover my needs entirely. - They wanted the business I contacted eight parties when I sought the panels. Only two responded and only PVG showed to make the sale. - Jair, in support, is a star A very nice person to deal with. Very responsive, helpful, and doesn't make you feel like you are an inconvenience to him when you make contact. He is the best support technician I've ever had the pleasure of working with. The Negatives - They lied about the lead time I was told my install would have a lead time of ten weeks. They wrote it down. I paid the deposit within 24 hours, and then nothing. No word. After a lot of chasing over weeks, I was told my install would take 18-20 weeks. When I challenged this, I was told I was wrong about the ten weeks. After a bit of back and forth, I eventually got talking to their operations manager who apologised for the communications issues and managed to push the install date to 16 weeks. They honoured this date. - They didn't take feedback on board I was promised that action would be taken to address their terrible internal communications. I was also told I would be contacted about my install two weeks in advance. I'll let you guess how that went. - They said my invoice was overdue, even though it wasn't I received the invoice two days after the install was completed. Even though it was the first I saw it, it was flagged in red as being seventy days overdue. I take great pride in paying my debts in a timely fashion. I never let a bill lapse, so this was insulting to me. I paid it promptly, and it wasn't overdue. - The drawings were meaningless A few weeks before the install, they sent me a drawing to confirm I was happy with the proposed location of the panels. I was. The install however doesn't reflect the drawing. The drawing showed the panels to be close to the apex of the roof. The reality has them much closer to the bottom. There may be a good reason for this, but none was shared. - The conduit used doesn't reflect the buildings architecture While minor, my building is red brick with black conduits. The electrical cable had to run outside, due to the absence of an internal conduit. Even though the site was surveyed and it was known an external conduit was needed, they used a white conduit. While the engineer did an excellent job placing it, it does look quite jarring when compared to the other conduits and neighbouring houses. The engineer said black conduit is harder to get. The survey was done earlier on. I would have hoped they'd have accounted for this. I recommend you bear this in mind for your install. Summary While I am happy with the install and the operation of the equipment, it was the admin and communications in general that really let them down. I paid a lot of money for this, and I paid it promptly. I felt that once they had me, they knew they didn't need to respect me. It's not a good way to run a business and I've too much on my plate to be chasing down people who I've paid to do a job. The damage to my faith in them was significant enough early on to leave a lasting, bitter taste in my mouth. Am I being unfair? I'll let you decide.

Excellent service from start to finish would highly recommend this company very professional.

In July of 2022, I signed a contract with PVGen to fit 8 solar panels to my house roof in south city Dublin. I paid a deposit of 25% of the final cost at the same time. I was told that the actual fitting of the panels would take place in the first week of November. However, in the meantime – as agreed - a surveyor came and inspected the site and the roof and took the necessary measurements and photographs. The house is over 100 years old, and it has a slate roof. It is a fact that accessing the rear roof is difficult because there is a conservatory extension at the back of the house. The surveyor could not fail to see this and the photos he took had to include that feature of the site. The surveyor told me that I would receive a copy of his report. I never received this report. It is hard to understand why I did not. I had been told that the job would be done in the first week of November. When I had not heard anything from PVGen, I phoned their office on the 28th October and was told that the relevant people were busy but that they would call me back on the following Tuesday (Monday was a bank holiday). Nobody called me so I phoned again on Wednesday 2nd November and again was told I would get a call back but there was no call. On Thursday 3rd November I called again and was told that the lady dealing with the issue was busy and would call back that afternoon but there was no call. On Friday the 4th November I received a call from a lady telling me that they would not do the job because of the conservatory position. The lady who made the call had no technical detail or any other information - she appeared to be just the messenger of bad news. I asked to speak to the manager and the lady said she would pass on my request. In the afternoon of that day, I got a call from the Managing Director. She said the job was unsafe. There was also mention of the fact that it was a slate roof. I pointed out to you that raising these issues would possibly have been acceptable if they had been raised by the salesman initially or by the surveyor, but no such issue was ever discussed or even hinted at. I pointed out to the MD that the house was completely re-roofed within the last 15 years and that Velux windows had been fitted. This work was done without any difficulty or significant damage to the slates. I found it hard to believe that PVGen had not dealt with issues like this before as my roof is not outside the ordinary in any way and there must be any number of houses that have conservatories or other structures extending from the house. I also don't understand what is particularly difficult about slates - again they are hardly uncommon. As a result of PVGen’s failure to communicate with me about the issues that were raised only after I persistently tried to make contact with them, I was now placed in a position that if I contract anyone else to do the job it will be more expensive - PVGen prices have increased since I signed the contract. In addition, I had to wonder, when - if ever - PVGen intended to contact me about not doing the job and when they would return my deposit. I would have expected that as soon as they decided that they could not do the job they would have immediately contacted me to return my money but that didn't happen. Since I raised this issue with them they have returned my deposit. At the time I first spoke to the MD of PVGen, I pointed out to her that if after the surveyors report they had contacted me and told me that following the survey they believed the job was unsafe, then I would have had to accept that – but they didn’t do that. I felt that the level of service, I had received from PVGen was appalling and that I was entitled to some compensation. Nothing was ever conceded to me and, in fact, the letter I wrote to the MD detailing these points was lost in her SPAM account and it was only a month later when I emailed again that I got a reply. In a letter I wrote on the 22nd December last to the MD, I wrote;” In the last few days I have had my roof surveyed by an engineer from another solar panel fitting company and I obviously questioned him as to any difficulty that they might have in fitting panels to my roof. They foresaw none and explained to me in detail how they would complete the installation…. Not surprisingly, the company that I am now talking to will charge me more for the same job. I don't wish to be unreasonable but, as I said to you in earlier emails, I will suffer a financial loss as a result of your actions, you have failed to fulfil a contract and I believe that I am entitled to something more than just returning my deposit.” Whatever about the issue of safety etc, the fact is that the way PVGen has handled the issue was appalling and other than apologising they seem to be incapable of recognising that they have totally mishandled the whole thing.

Excellent 👌 very professional, no hassle no fuss . Excellent equipment. Very happy customer

Quick work. Responsive helpdesk.

Everything was easy from start to finish

All the workmen - electrical and installation - were excellent, obliging and pleasant.

very happy with the service

Alanna is the best....