Alternative Energy Ireland- AEI

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There are 1 reviews from customers about Alternative Energy Ireland- AEI

Customer Reviews

Alternative Energy Ireland installed our Solar PV System recently. We are really delighted with every aspect of the service the company provides. The panels were installed initially by one team and subsequently connected to the grid by a second team. Both teams were so very helpful and efficient, and very easy to have in the house. I was very reassured by both team's emphasis on safety. We can see through an app on our phones just how the panels are preforming and how much electricity is being generated. I found the sales person to be very helpful and constructive in his advice, and he left us make our own decision without any pressure. He helped us with the administration of the grant application and in this area the company provides a wonderful service. We have also been very impressed with the back up service and know that our panels can be checked remotely which is very reassuring. And help is just a phone call away. I really can't speak highly enough of AEI and I have no hesitation in recommending them to others considering the installation of a Solar PV System.

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