Eire Electric Reviews (1/5)

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Number doesn't exist... and no customer service available on a bank holiday Monday what a joke

Nightmare, still trying to unravel the misery that is their Bills...never again

Wanted €600 deposit because we were a customer last year AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE

The worst costumer service ... Soo bad.!!

Worst company in Ireland, total rip off.

Phone number is no longer in use...please update this, the electric ireland website also shows this number yet a recorded announcements states this call can not be dialed and to check the number????!!

Extremely rude help centre woman.

Most of the customer care staff should be replaced with robots .

it's taking ages to perform a simple correction, think twice before switching

Awful customer service, rude and unhelpful staff

Appalling service. Despite numerous calls to resolve billing issues nothing gets done.

Very poor customer service

Fantastic customer support team!

Dead on. Easy to Deal with. Better then other Electric Suppliers in Ireland.

They robbed me of 125 euro

Very bad customer service and overrcharge customers

Very affordable, easy to deal with, nice and user friendly website

Very poor customer service, filled us full of lies for 3 weeks.

The worst customer service you could imagine. AVOID IF YOU CAN.

The worst customer service of any company I have ever dealt with.