JM Energy Savings LTD

JM Energy Savings have been saving money for residents, farming community and businesses throughout Ireland since 2008, helping customers switch electricity and gas providers. We offer solar PV panels for residential, commercial and farms to generate their own power with the latest generation solar PV panels, an environmentally friendly tool for saving money and reducing energy costs.

There are 89 reviews from customers about JM Energy Savings LTD

Customer Reviews

From the first contact to the installation, JM Energy and all their employees were very efficient, courteous and the work was carried out to a very high standard. We were delighted with their service and would highly recommend them.

Fantastic company to deal with - the whole process was seamless. Any questions with regard to how the system worked were quickly answered. I would not hesitate to recommend this company.

So helpful and efficient, lovely people to deal with. Will be recommending to everyone I know.

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